Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – May

Formation for synodality

Jesus Christ, the model teacher we wish to follow,
we bring before you the desires of those who today
have chosen to follow you, consecrating their lives to your service,
and are being formed for such a beautiful vocation.
Send your Spirit upon seminarians, religious men and women,
and sow in their hearts the desire to be like You.
Purify their searches, evangelize their desires,
place in their hearts the determination to form themselves
to be and make an authentically synodal Church,
an open Chruch that listens, goes forth, and is on mission.
Make their hearts resonate with the dream of the Pope:
“I dream of a missionary option, capable of transforming everything,
so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules,
language and every ecclesial structure
can be suitably channeled
for the evangelization of today’s world
rather than for her self-preservation.”
Father, care for those who are being formed for consecrated life
so that they may be your witnesses in a Church of brothers and sisters
who walk together and with you.

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Monthly day of prayer for the Synod – April